Njeresa Parish
This calls for celebration as the congregation expands it borderes in the ministry, everything gets a little frustration as the flock o sheep that God has bestowed upon us increase by the day.
Partnership :Papa Westray & Westray.
These are 2 separate islands. Westray has a population of about 600 and Papa Westray (known locally as Papay) has just 70+ people on it. They are both very self-contained communities with a primary school on each island and a secondary school on Westray. There is a Church building on each island, with one minister who lives in Westray. The minister is Iain MacDonald (imacdonald@churchofscotland.org.uk). He has been minister here for almost 25 years and is convener of the Presbytery’s Malawi Partnership Committee. He visited Thyolo Presbytery some years ago. Westray is about 90 mins sailing time from Kirkwall and Papay is about 2 hours. The boat between Westray and Papay takes about 25 mins. The Westray congregation has 83 members, Papay just 8. Farming and fishing are the main industries. The website address is www.orkneycommunities.co.uk/westraypapaychurch